Waternaux, Isabelle - correspondances --- new in seal
They had known each other in 1944 when they emerged from the shadows ... One self-taught Communist peasant with a missionary spirit engaged in trade union and political activism, the other student frustrated by his race for diplomas rushed into testimonial journalism as a war correspondent. For 40 years they found themselves in the four corners of the world, the first at the forefront of the high business of the food industry, the second at the forefront of the great report. And true to their origins, they returned to plunge together with delight in the unspoiled freshness of their first meeting. But suddenly at the end of a winter - five others already - came the hour of the last ... year of life I will come to you in the Pyrenees in May and we will finish talking both on your terrace facing the summits ... Nine days later, alas, he was leaving ... So overcoming his pain and his scruples and with the support of witnesses from all walks of life, humble or great, the student decided to fill in this slack in the conversation. Because he knew the deep desire of Noah's Gavroche who had taken up the extravagant challenge of playing the red billionaire: I am counting on you so that one day we will know who I really was ...
Hardcover : 88 pages
Dimensions : 21 x26.5 x 1 cm
Publisher : Isthme éditions
Language: : French
isbn : 9782912688552