Lux, Loretta - Loretta Lux (New in plastic!)

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For the New York Times, her photos are "among the most peculiar, extremely ingeniously manipulated images" of our time.
The digitally post-processed portraits of the artist, who was born in Dresden in 1969, irritate the viewer in their indeterminacy between photography and painting, between dream and reality: the sitters, mostly children with porcelain complexion and mannered gestures, look at us like a dream-wanderer. They pose in front of simple interiors, sparse or romantic landscapes that are reminiscent of views of old masters, such as paintings by Velázquez or Runge.
In an elaborate work process - from the selection of the models and their clothes, the often self-painted, color-coordinated backgrounds to post-processing on the computer - the subtly staged portraits of Loretta Lux are created, a wide selection of which is shown for the first time in this illustrated book.


"My photographs deal with childhood and being lost in the world as a basic existential experience of human beings"


Loretta Lux (born 1969 in Dresden) moved 1989 to Munich, a few months before the fall of the Berlin Wall. 1990-1996 studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich with Gerd Winner. Winner of the Infinity Award for Art 2005 from the International Center of Photography, New York. Her works are in over 20 public collections worldwide, for example in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, in the Brooklyn Museum of Art, in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Fotomuseum Winterthur, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem and the Fotomuseum Den Haag. Lives and works in Monaco.


Malerin und Fotografin. Loretta Lux (deutsch, 1969) wird in Dresden geboren. Von 1990 bis 1996 studiert sie Malerei bei Gerd Winner an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München. Bekannt wird die Künstlerin durch ihre surrealistischen Fotografien von Kindern. Dabei ist für ihre Bilder eine Bearbeitungsweise typisch, die Fotografie, Malerei und digitale Bildbearbeitung miteinander kombiniert und vom Stil her an die Gemälde Alter Meister erinnert. Von Malern wie Francisco de Goya und Agnolo Bronzino beeindruckt, kleidet Lux ihre Figuren eher altmodisch ein und fügt digital Requisiten und Hintergründe hinzu.


Publisher: Hatje Cantz Verlag; 1st edition ()
Language: German
Hardcover: 96 pages
ISBN-10: 3775715916
ISBN-13: 9783775715911
Item weight: 877 g
Dimensions: 25 x 29 x 1.7 cm


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