Höpker, Thomas - Die Grossen Fotografen Thomas Höpker
A series of the most important photographers in the world - from the beginnings of photography to today. Each volume contains a selection of the best pictures from the complete oeuvre of a famous photographer and an explanatory test about his technique, his artistic point of view and his biography.
Thomas Hoepker (German: Thomas Höpker; born 10 June 1936) is a German photographer and member of Magnum Photos. He is known for stylish color photo features. He also documented the 9/11 World Trade Center destruction. Hoepker originally made a name for himself in the 1960s as a photojournalist with a desire to photograph human conditions.
Eine Reihne über die bedeutendsten Fotografen der Welt - von den Anfängen der Fotografie bis heute. Jeder Band enthält eine Auswahl der besten Bilder aus dem Gesamtwerk eines berühmten Fotgrafen und einen erläuternden Test über seine Technik, seine künstlerische Sicht und seine Biographie.
Publisher: Christian Verlag; 1st Edition (1985)
Language: German
Softcover: 64 pages
ISBN-10: 3884721038
ISBN-13: 9783884721032
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