Bisson - Les Frères Bisson, photographes : De flèche en cime, 1840-1870
Hard to find book.
Unopened in plastic.
France is not only the cradle of photography thanks to Niépce and Daguerre. From 1839 to 1889 it was one of the countries par excellence, and it owes this privilege to exceptionally gifted pioneers such as Henri Le Secq, Félix Nadar, Gustave Le Gray, Édouard Baldus, Charles Nègre Until now not really recognized, the Bisson are nevertheless worthy to belong to these excellent personalities.
A daguerreotypeist among the first, Louis Auguste (1814-1876) photographed the 900 delegates of the Assembly in 1848. Soon accompanied by his brother Auguste Rosalie (1826-1900), he founded the Maison Bisson Frères in Paris in 1852. 'where many trials of one dimension and
Drawing essentially on the collection which it has dedicated to them and which is of unparalleled richness, the National Library of France shows the various aspects of their activity by emphasizing the two accomplishments which have brought them both glory and bankruptcy: the portrayal in 1854 of remarkable monuments from antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in France, Italy, Germany and Belgium; the capture of landscapes of the Alps during repeated expeditions which will hoist them twice (1861 and 1862) to the summit of Mont Blanc with all their photographic equipment.
The following work, the result of a collaboration between the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Museum Folkwang in Essen, accompanies the successive exhibitions in Essen, Munich and Paris for the period from February to August 1999. Through the contributions of five researchers and by reproducing the approximately 220 original evidence presented to the public, this book is a tribute to the immense talent of the Bisson family and gives a complete overview of an intense and fruitful activity that participated in the development of photography under the Second Empire of 'in an innovative and energetic way.
This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition "Les frères Bisson, Photographes", organized by the National Library of France and the Museum Folkwang (Essen), and presented in France on the François-Mitterrand website, from June 15 to August 29, 1999.